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Facts About the Peacock Bass

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Peacock bass is large predatory freshwater fish that lives in tropical South America. The species is also known as the tucunare or pavon in Spanish. Peacock bass, despite their common names are rarely found in reservoirs and lakes. The peacock bass is an interesting and beautiful fish, regardless of where they came from. Below are some facts about the peacock.

Cichla temensis

The speckled peacock bass, also known as the painted or three-barred peacock bass, is a very large South American cichlid. It is a very prized game and foodfish. Speckled pavon is named after its distinctive green stripes. They are found only in South America and are considered a protected species in most countries.

The morphometric characters and molecular data were compared to those of sympatric congeners and the Gonadosomatic index of C. temensis. C. temensis' color variation was more consistent with seasonal sexual maturation than sexual dimorphism. However, seasonal spawning is not indicated by the pattern's variation.

Three-barred Peacock

The Three-barred Peacock Bass is a highly sought-after sport fish. Its distinctive markings include a vertical stripe along the forehead and some faint bars. These bars will fade over time, just like the peacock bass. These bars can look very faint or absent depending upon the species. The three-barred Peacock Bass is also distinctive for its black eye spot that is rimmed with gold.

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The peacock and butterfly peacock bass are two of South America's most prized game fishes. They can grow up to one metre long and weigh in at 13 kg. The peacock bass can be used in both freshwater aquariums (ponds or lakes) despite their similarities. Below are a few characteristics that set the Three Barred Peacock Bass apart.

Three-banded Peacock

The Three-banded peacock bass is an elongated, flat-bodied fish with spots and longitudinal lines on its side. The non-spawning period is when the light spots become most prominent. Cichla species have three horizontal bands or vertical stripes that are composed of dark spots that are numbered, shaped like crosses, and made up of dark spots. In juveniles, the dark horizontal band may be abbreviated.

This species belongs to the Cichla family which is a group predatory freshwater gamefish. It has a distinct shape for its dorsal and small eye-like spots on the base portion of its caudal. It has a long, straight body with a moderately high profile. The Three-banded peacock bass is often confused with its cousin, the butterfly peacock bass. C. orinocensis (or C. ocellaris) was initially referred to as one species in early ichthyological literatures. However, ecological, genetic and morphological studies have made it possible to distinguish the species.

Speckled peacock

The speckled peacock bass, also known as the painted pavon or three-barred peacock bass, is a very large South American cichlid. They are prized for their abilities as food fish and game fish. Its colorful markings are what gave rise to the name Speckled Peacock Bass. But, it is important to ensure that you choose the right tank for your pet. These are some ways to successfully raise fish.

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It is easy to identify the speckled peacock bass. The speckled pheacock bass can be called pavon pinotado (or pavon cinchado), pavon pintado (or pavon vernado). In Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries, this species is commonly known as pavon. There are actually four types of pavon in Brazil.

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What time does it take you to catch a salmon?

It all depends on the fish size and the skill of the fisherman. A fish can be caught in between one and an hour. The longer you wait, the better chance you have of catching a big fish.

How far should I go?

Cast your line as deep as possible. Cast a line with your straight arm so the line doesn’t twist.

How do I bait my hooks with bait?

Bait your hooks by tying a piece of meat onto the end of your hook. Then tie the meat around the eye of your hook.

Do I need special permits to fish?

No, not unless you plan to take fish out of state or across county lines. Many states allow anglers to fish without any type of license. Find out the requirements by contacting your local Fish & Wildlife authority.


  • To substantiate this theory, Knight attempted a systematic inquiry by considering the timing of 200 'record' catches, more than 90 percent were made during a new moon (when no moon is visible). (myfwc.com)
  • About 40 percent of all fish are freshwater species. (takemefishing.org)
  • For most freshwater species you are most likely to target when first starting out, a reel size of 20 to 30 should be more than enough! (strikeandcatch.com)
  • It is estimated there are at least 2 million people who go fishing in California each year. (californiayachtsales.com)

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How To

Finding the Best Fishing Location

The best places to fish are those where you know what kind you want. Decide whether you want to fish deep or shallow waters. Deep sea fishing is expensive and requires a boat. The cost of shallow water fishing is minimal as it's done from shore. Shallow water fishing is the best option if you want to catch trout. However, if your goal is to catch barracuda you will have to venture out into deeper waters.

Depending on what you prefer, there are many options for fishing spots. Some places offer only one type of fishing while others have several options. One example is that some areas are known for their bass fishing and others specialize in fly-fishing. Other places are known for their shark-fishing and crabbing.

The best way to figure out where to go depends on your budget, how long you plan to stay, and what you like doing. Do you enjoy camping? Perhaps you would like to visit a campsite near a water source. Are you more interested in city life? Maybe you prefer to be on the beach. Maybe you enjoy the beach, kayaking, canoeing or sailing.

Even if fishing is not something you are familiar with, it's worth asking someone who does. They can tell you everything, even where to go.

You can also search online for "fishing spots nearby me" You will get many ideas. You might be able to narrow down your choices by looking at reviews and ratings. There are plenty of websites that allow you to do this.

Once you have decided on a particular location, be sure to go there before you leave. You should always have the directions handy as sometimes it can take longer to get there than you expected. You should also make sure that you have everything you need. Make sure to pack your bait, tackle box and sunscreen.

It's also a good idea to research the weather conditions at the fishing spot. Seek out the forecast to see the best times of day. You may need to modify your plans if the weather conditions change.

Now that you know where to go, you can start planning your trip. The next step in planning your trip is to choose what type of fish you are going to use.


Facts About the Peacock Bass